I didn't need to be convinced or moved cause it's quite some time that the whole Global Warming matter is catching my attention in a particular way, but I got more aware and more scared.
Under estimate the problem I've always believed it's not just a privilege of some very powerful politician, it's a matter of everyday and common people's inaccuracy, among them...me.
I don't opportunistically ride the wave of the good environmentalist now, with my thousands of mistakes which everyday I do or I am forced to do, but I did change my lifestyle since some time, step by step.
Little and easy tasks:
Fuck the plastic bags, I'm using a low environment impact bag (still guilty, I forget it sometime).
Recycling always, I got 3 new little boxes in order to differentiate my trash.
No air conditioned if not absolutely necessary, no wasted heat in the house when I'm not there or when it's not really needed.
Eating local food as much as it's possible whenever I'm on a journey.
More complicated tasks:
One above all, trying not to use car (mainly) or motocycle as much as it's possible and here I face a very tricky point:
Rome as like as most of the cities in Italy, is the most disappointed place where someone could live without dealing with traffic jam and related car pollution.
No bicycles allowed on any kind of metro/train, no cycle tracks through a decent long path, no subway efficiency in covering the whole town or the best part of it (e.g. London), no easy connection bus/underground.
Still, no OPEN MENTALITY in really wanting to do this, we are "il bel paese" as well as we're very ignorant and governed by the worsts.
On my side, together with my being impressed by road accidents (and in Rome you face them almost everyday) and an opportunistic need of some more motion, I'm facing these last few days a little sacrifice of 50 minutes Home-->Office (and viceversa) instead of the usual maximum 20 minutes by scooter.
Of course it's not just walking, it's a mixed transportation path, that is:
Few minutes of bus from home to Train Station, 9 minutes to my Office closest metro Station, 1.8 km by walk in 20 minutes.
not much time to read a book, which I bring with me anyway, many minutes stolen to my out office precious time, but still is a good begin on which work a litte.
buying a very second-hand bycycle to leave at the metro station to ride till office, using the car only from home to the closest metro.
Can't be everyday, can't be in any condition, let's keep on trying to put a single jigsaw in this very big puzzle.
1 commento:
I'm don't speak Inglish :/
but understand very :D
I'm retarded '-'
perfect , perfect your blog (:
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